Inspiring Change In Your World

While reviewing a lot of Facebook posts lately, I have been interested in noting that the world is definitely changing. From one where people are fairly relaxed about important things in life, to where opinions are rife, videos common to portray things that are either...

Typewriters and Creativity

Last week I brought an old Remington Typewriter – it’s gorgeous – circa 1920s, and clearly once used in banking so probably not one that was ever used by a legendary novelist!  But I started thinking about typewriters and creativity.  I...

Can You Write a Book in Only 48 Hours?

I’ve recently been hearing about publishing coaches who offer to help people write a book in only 48 hours.   Intrigued I looked into this further and am surprised to find this really is a trend. However, having written, published, co-authored, and developed...

The Concept of Guru-dom

The concept of Guru-dom is not about what we call ourselves but how we do what we do when we share wisdom, expertise, and stories that help others.  I’ve resisted the word Guru for years.  I don’t personally think of myself in that way and the...