A Very Special Project
A few years ago, my accountant and I sat down for a chat about business. We had already worked together for a number of years – first I was his business coach, then he became my accountant, and then I helped him develop and publish a few books for SME’s. Through that time we got to know each other’s attitudes towards business, marketing, coaching, and accounting well – and became good mates along the way too. One day our conversation led to the creation of a bold new idea that was finally launched in early 2022. Biz Backstop.
What is Biz Backstop?
This is an online APP with 100 short easy to access bites of information about business. What you need to know about in 10 main areas, such as: Money, Finance, Sales, HR, Taxes, Marketing, Risk Management, Banking, and how to get a good team of helpful people on board as coaches, mentors, and service supporters. Each short bite is 2-5 minutes of ‘how to’ type advice that SME’s in early years or start up mode often struggle with.

On Your Phone or Laptop
We created this as an APP, so you can access it on any and all devices – Apple, or Android. Or just straight on your computer. Some parts of it are FREE. And the entire program is only $10 per month – or there’s a $15 per month premium option. Our objective is to make this an easy to use, high quality information resource for SMEs primarily within NZ. (Although a lot of it is also valid information for AUS SME’s too.)
The LIVE Monthly Q&As are FREE
As part of the entire program – even the FREE parts – you can also sign up for our monthly Q&A sessions that are Zoom Hangouts where both Brydon and Dixie will be present to dive deeper into the many topics covered on the APP. You can bring along your questions, listen in, watch the presentation, and sometimes we’ll also bring special guests along to cover some things too.
Dixie has worked with some of the top ranked speakers in the world, and many international best selling specialist authors. You can be sure of this being a feature of some of the Q&A’s so that you get access to great content every month to help further boost your business success.
Our mission is to build better worlds through better business.
We get to do that through sharing our respective knowledge and expertise for SMEs who need it and don’t want to pay high fees just to get quick answers about simple business matters.
Sure, you can Google just about anything these days, but deciphering what you actually need is sometimes time consuming and frustrating. We’d like to take the hard work out of finding the short answers.
There is also a range of fantastic tools, work sheets, resources, and you can easily treat this APP program like a 1 year 30 minutes a week business improvement program too.
You can listen to content, read it, download helpful information, or click through to helpful places like IRD, Registrations, and more.