So you want to write a book….
Because you think it’s a brilliant way to market yourself and your business….
And you’re right to think that…
There’s always a big BUT, right….?

Everything great,
starts with a great plan!
YES, writing a book to bring business in, to verify and profile your expertise, CAN serve as a powerful part of your marketing ecosystem.
But first, you need to start thinking about it beyond your marketing, and consider how it can serve your WHOLE business.
Especially if you are the core reason your business is so successful.

Start With the Draft…
Your book needs to achieve a lot more than just helping people to know you know your business. But it does certainly need to do that. It also needs to serve you, the author.
- Your book must profile you and your expertise, and work with your brand.
- Your book must also help readers to follow a path forwards to access more of what you have to offer.
There are many things that turn readers off…
Avoiding these things means knowing how to write a powerful first draft, that gently but firmly guides your readers through the content you wish to share.

Introducing The Tri-Variant Framework™ for Content Curation
When you write a book, you want to consider the most important things for your readers, from their perspective.
The first most important point is readability.
- Is your book going to be enjoyable, easy, and informative?
- How can you be sure it’s read to the end?
- How do you ensure your readers take action in the way you want them to, so that you also get maximum value from their reading your book?
- What happens next?
I created a specific framework for how to get your best content, developed into a plan, that makes the writing easy, the call to actions subtle but strong, and ensures your readers love your book, enough to share it, and rave about it to others.
It’s called The Tri-Variant Framework™, and I’ve tested it over hundreds of books – many award winning, best selling, high performing books that work really hard for their authors. It’s easy, and makes writing a book very straightforeward, even for first time authors. And in my new book – Start With the Draft – I’ll walk you through it.
You’ll also find in the book, a range of easy to use resources, and bonus options for working with me and my team on your book, in a range of ways. But first, you need to Start With the Draft, so you have a clear understanding of exactly how you can best become an authority in your field, with a book that works hard for you to attract the kind of clients you most want to work with.
If you’d like to read an excerpt from this book, please, just access it here, or order it as an eBook to download.
DISCLAIMER: It’s only a short book – around 100 pages, and will help you to also understand some of the ‘what’s next’ on the authority journey, but mostly, its’ a short, to the point, helpful book that is not only instructional, but easy to refer back to as and when you need to as you go through the process of applying the Tri-Variant Framework™ to curating your best content.
3 Great reasons you should include a book part of your business and marketing strategy:
- You get to position your profile and verify your expertise in a way that ‘gets reviewed, shared, and allows you to fully explain yourself.
- A book is a great start to developing and refining your best content, so that you can use it across multiple genres.
- A well curated and developed book is much more impactful on you as an author than any brochure, website, or podcast – because you can open more doors with a book!
3 Great reasons you’ll love THIS book – which should be read at the START of your Authority Journey.
- You’ll be able to get your draft content planned and refined quickly and easily, in a way that directly targets your ideal clients.
- You’re writing will be so much easier than you ever imagined and will help save on structural editing and re-writing.
- Your confidence as an author who really can become well known for your expertise and wisdom will grow, as will your fees potentially!
Convert Your Content!
This Tri-Variant Framework also allows you to easily convert your content into outstanding articles, posts, blogs, and Tweets or Memes, with nearly a YEAR worth of material you’ve already identified and prepared for sharing.
Social Media and Articles are much easier to manage when you have a plan!
Get your FREE “How to Convert Your Content Plan” BONUS in the book!

From Pages to Stages
You can also use this same Tri-Variant Framework™ to plan out your speeches and presentations if that’s part of the space you wish to dominate as an expert. Speaking about your book is critical for it’s success, but having well defined speeches on your topic also makes it easier to wow your audiences. Not to mention that having an EXCELLENT book means you’re more attractive to booking agents too.