Introducing Indie Experts Coaching – The VIP Group Program
What every author needs… is a coach!
Not just any coach – but a publishing coach, who understands the entire Before During, and AFTER aspects of the Journey for Non-Fiction Authors, from Pages to Stages. A coach who is also internationally experienced as a professional speaker, blogger, podcaster, and has marketing and media expertise. A content development specialist, and someone who fully understands the ‘professional experts industry’.
Serious Author’s also need a program where you invest in some accountability, to get things done, and discover many more ways to increase your reach with your books and content.
We’ll discuss things like blogging, writing for other publications, speaking topics, great author tools and resources and being ready when the phone rings. This is an Advanced Experts Program for authors with books who want to get their profiles up, their reach extended, and their schedules full.
Here’s what it looks like:
As well as the schedule of topics covered in each monthly group session, there is also a lot of general Q&A time and open discussion about what each person is doing as a means of supporting each other on the journey.
- Meeting as a group one session per month – see schedule of topics below.
- Access to one personal 45-60minute coaching session with Dixie per month
- 1x 90 minute strategy session at the start of each quarter (July, October, January, April)
- Access to a VIP area on my website for special resources.
- Monthly newsletter/updates on news that relates to you as authors/experts.
If you’ve experienced being part of the previous monthly VIP sessions run by Dixie and Ann, you’ll know the value we all get from these. I’m sure you’ll love this program even more – and it’s packed with extra value and bonuses.

The BEST part of this is you get to jump in or jump out in Three month blocks… It’s not a long term option unless you want it to be.

Monthly sessions cover the following:
- July: Author Tools – Canva, Book Brush, Hashtags, Keyword Research, Kindlepreneur
- August: Marketing and reviews for your your book using PAID services
- September: Speaker One sheets, and the three Ts
- October: Rewriting or updating your old books
- November: Amazon indepth and pre-xmas book promotions
- December: Planning and promotion for 2024
- January: Content extraction – all the ways to go from Pages to Stages
- February – June: Topics TBC