The VIP’s Authority Journey
Do you sometimes wonder if you’re really heading in the right direction with all this ‘book writing and ‘speaking’?
Or maybe you’re convinced that the journey is well worth the effort, but there is just sooooooo much to do and learn to really get traction.
Then there are all those options of what programs you need, how to manage all that social media stuff, and branding, marketing, presenting, videos and photos…. OMG – the head just spins sometimes right?
I get it – I know exactly how incredibly hard that can be. It feels endless doesn’t it!
After a few years you start to feel like you should have started out getting an MBA in Expertise, because you might have avoided so many pot holes on the road so far.
What are you missing?
What opportunities are right in front of you waiting for you to step up to those?
What money are you leaving on the table, and what are you missing out on seeing – the wood for the trees kind of thinking!
Well I have some good news to share and I think you’re going to like it!
You can avoid some of that pain and uncertainty around what to do, or the anxiety over just getting what needs to be done, sorted for you.
If you’re here on this page of my website, you are either an author, or a speaker, or both, and hoping you’re not going down yet another rabbit hole.
Relax, you’re definitely not Alice…
and I’m not the White Rabbit!

Your Authority Journey needs to include all these areas:
- Social Media = Linked In, and (maybe) Instagram, Facebook, Ticktok depending on your topic.
- Book sales platforms = Amazon, Ingram Spark, Draft2Digital, Your own website.
- Website = Landing pages, SEO, keywords, Blog, sign up pages, resources to share,
- Speaking = Platform skills, speaker sheets, introduction, handouts, resources,
- Marketing = A Solid Strategy! With a plan to implement, and measure results of.
- Branding = Photos, Video, positioning statements, images, catchphrases.
- A Book = Ebook, Audio and Print book options, derived content, sample chapters
You need the right tools, an expert’s expert, and a hands-on experienced support team
Where exactly are you going? Do you know how to get there?
This is executive level coaching like you’ve never experienced before. Not only is this a Hands-on – Roll up our Sleeves combination of Done For You and empowering you to get things done through expert coaching and consulting, I work with my VIPs on a totally bespoke service to ensure that you get to still use your in house or prior trusted experts alongside me and my team. My team includes the kind of people who can collectively work through the entire list above, such as Multi-Award-Winning Designers, Publishing Platform Specialists, Linked In Ninjas, Trade Mark Attorneys, Videographers, Photographers, Marketing Geniuses, Speaker Bureaus, and so much more!
Your Values & Needs
Your journey starts with you and me getting 100% clear on your core VALUES and NEEDS are and how they intersect with your Vision and Mission, so we can create a powerful marketing plan.
Your Vision & Mission
Then we ensure your vision and mission are articulated effectively through the branding, marketing, and platforms you are working with. Identifying anything that needs updating or refining and getting that done.
Your Passion & Talents
Knowing what your passion is, how that intersects with your overall mission, marketing, and vision, and where your talents are best developed, and promoted, with a strategy to do this.
Here’s what your Authority Journey looks like working with us:

I ask a lot of ‘great questions’ and uncover what you really need, vs what you might think you need…
And then we get that sorted out for you.
It’s easy once you know now – and I ensure you are empowered to understand the big picture as well as the details of the Expert’s Industry and how it affects you, what you can and can’t do in it,
and how to build your reputation within your field of expertise.