Beyond the 5 Day Author Content Challenge
Where to from here? Well you can continue on a DIY option, or extend into some personal supportive coaching options with me too. Here’s a look at the Authority Author Program, which is approximately FOUR months long, and features an extended start up strategy session with me 1:1 to get things going and ensure clarity around your content and your next best steps.
The Authority Author Program
A combination of group and personal coaching featuring the Tri-Variant Framework™
You do the writing and work at your own pace, with a powerful strategy session to get your plan well developed, and 3 monthly checkins to keep you on track. Supported further by the weekly LIVE sessions, as well as our comprehensive APP that walks you through all that you need to know and do to complete your manuscript, and beyond that too.
- Starting with a personal 75-90 minute strategy session to get clear on your content plan.
Dixie will take you through the Tri-Variant Framework to nail your content plan so you can start strong with writing your manuscript. - Weekly training, via webinar and the Indie Experts APP.
- 3x coaching sessions with Dixie – delivered over 3 months
- Access to all the videos, resources, tools and templates you need.

Value: $4,995.00 or 3 payments of $1750.00
BONUS: A review of your finished draft prior to editing – Value $750.00.
This means one of our team will take a good look at your manuscript and provide a written report on what you need to do to take it to the next stage and prepare it to get ready for editing and production.
The next Authority Program Starts on 27th April – your personal strategy session would need to be booked in before that.
- In addition to the 3 x per month GROUP sessions, you will then also have 1x per month personalised coaching session with Dixie.
- See the special bonus offers below to get 6 additonal FREE coaching sessions and the FULL SUITE of APP access until the end of 2023.
Special BONUSES valued at $6500
if you sign up for the Authority Program before 21st April
You get the FULL SUITE APP for the rest of the year FREE
Value of $4000
Bonus #2:
6x Additional 1:1 Bonus coaching sessions with me
Valued at $1500
Bonus #3:
Your manuscript reviewed
Valued at $750

Countdown Bonus
Sign up for the Authority Author program by Sunday at 5pm QLD time, and get the Full Suite APP free for 6 months! Includes 6 additional 1:1 Coaching sessions in August – December

If you are still thinking about the best next steps for you and want to have a chat about alternative options, please book a call now via this link and let’s nut out what might suit you best.
This is a 30 minute ‘what’s next’ personalised call and will only be available FREE via this link.