Here’s the thing… and yes, there’s a thing.  I don’t understand how people who are charging megabucks for their expertise, or their services, and are amazing at what they do, are still stuck on the idea that a book created in 10 seconds flat is a credible marketing tool for them.

Ok!  Rant over. But seriously, how many million dollar speakers are walking around offering $10 business cards designed as books.  Far too many.  Just because technology enables one to do something in a quick and easy way, does not mean it’s a good idea.

Well, there are some great arguments for why this is ok, in many instances, it’s justified that you can and often should save money and take a few shortcuts.  I mean, let’s compare this to a having a high functioning wardrobe.  If you’re going to command high fees for high quality anything, you should look the part, so an Armani or Hugo Boss suit is a great idea.  But that doesn’t mean that your underwear or even your shirt has to be gold plated.

Your book, if you’re serious about being taken seriously as an expert of high credibility in your field needs to be  curated, superbly well crafted and polished, and then published professionally.

If writing is not your thing, or you don’t have the time to do it well, then the solution is not to simply  record it while you’re driving to your appointments, and have it transcribed, designed by a freelancer, and order a 100 copies to give out to prospects.

No, your best option is to work with a ghost writer, who can help curate your content, write it in your own style, and then oversee the editing, high quality production and publishing of it. It may take a year to do this for each and every book you do – and you most likely need more than one book if you’re a professional expert. But a good Ghost writer and/or writing and publishing coach will ensure you really do stand out from your competition. In a positive way, that will have measurable returns on your investment.

Three important things to note about working with a great ghost writer:

1) They won’t do it all for you and leave you behind in the process.  A GW will work in collaboration with you to ensure accuracy of content, style, and achieved outcomes.

2) They won’t just write your book based on their own ideas and knowledge. This is your book, and you will both understand that from the start.  They also won’t usually end up being named as a co-author or even tell anyone they wrote on your behalf – so you are still the ‘author’ even if you’re not the primary writer of your book.

3) Good and great Ghost writers are professionals and command professional fees, because they are worth it. It’s a highly credible professional service, and you will have a contract, an agreed set of time frames and outcomes.  This is not the same as editing, or writer coaching, it’s a different skill set, although some coaches are also writers and visa versa.

There’s more harm to your brand in not working with a good professional writer, and team for the production of your book. Having to admit that maybe writing a book is not your own best strength is not a weakness. And that’s what a good Ghost writer also understands.  You still have the knowledge and experience to share – but maybe writing a whole book about it is something you’re going to need some help with.

If you’re stuck on getting content curated into a book you can use as a high quality marketing tool, then talk with me about how you can access an incredible international team of specialists to help you.