by Dixie Carlton | Nov 13, 2020 | Curating Conversations
A few years ago, a movie was released called Sense and Sensibility – about a couple of dippy 18th century sisters facing financial ruin. The tale of them and their suitors was a popular book by Emily Bronte and was considered to be quite ‘out...
by Dixie Carlton | Nov 8, 2018 | Curating Conversations, Horizontal Happiness
I write for both singles and couples, and this is one area I get called on a lot to have conversations about… so, I’m putting it out there at the start of this blog that this is not an issue affecting mostly men, or mostly women, or only singles, or only...
by Dixie Carlton | Oct 27, 2018 | Book Marketing
A few months ago, I announced that I was releasing a new book…The book – simply titled, “That Sex Book” quickly took on a life of its own, and the main purpose for it (Igniting Conversations) was quickly and happily realised – conversations flowed; Like a...