Welcome to the Advertising Branding & Marketing 101 business book page

Congratulations on reading this book and I sincerely hope you got a lot of value out of it.  It’s a book I’ve worked on and updated over the years since I was a business coach back in the early 2000s, and as one of my first, and best performing books I’m actually pretty pleased with it, and the amazing feedback I have had for it.  So now that I’ve updated it for 2024, I thought it was a good time to also update and make more easily available some of the resources in the book, but also some bonus ones that I’ve created over the years.

For the full list of FREE resources and more referred to in the book, please scroll down to the bottom of the page – but there are some extra ones right here too. 

FirstHERE’s A FANTASTIC QUIZ you can use to see how your business is stacking up – and where you might need the most help if you were to start working with a coach, a business accountant, or even someone to be your mentor. You’ll get a personalised report on the current strength of you marketing and branding, and several ideas on what you can do immediately to up-your-game in this area, and more.


And – a special totally FREE BONUS here is the Social Media Savvy checklist you might like to work through to see exactly how good your social media set-up is, and what you need to focus on right now. Just click the following:

Social Media Savvy Checklist

Now this is totally free – just open it and start  using it.  And you’ll probably notice that the logo on it is for Indie Experts… that’s one of my companies, focused on marketing and publishing services for Authors – mostly of Non-fiction – who want to use their content, case studies, background story or expertise in some way to maximise their marketing through the use of Books – as part of their marketing ecosystem.  One of the reasons I bring this up is to ensure that you know you can do a LOT more in your marketing than just the basics as outlined in Advertising Branding Marketing 101 – like books, content development for your website, write blogs and articles too.  If you want to know more about that – then please grab a look at the FREE sample of one of my other top performing books – From Idea to Author-ity.

Extra Reading Recommendations

If it’s a range of other standard business help you need for your Small Business, then another book I wrote – with an SME tax specialists accountant named  Brydon – then I highly recommend you also take a look at the inside free sample of Small Business Start Up Essentials too.  Both these books will help you A LOT in your business – regardless of your industry and location.If it’s help with working out content to write and share – from books to blogs to case studies, then maybe Start With the Draft will get  you thinking about easy ways to do that too.

If you want to get any one of these books as a FREE DOWNLOAD, then you can also grab them HERE using this coupon code:  CONTENT.

If you prefer to buy them and read in digital form via your favourite platform  such as Kindle, or on your  table, then here’s a link to the Amazon option too. You can easily click on the PREVIEW option below each cover image and reach about 20% of the book FREE.

Please remember to follow my author links there and get updates when there are more books and updates happening ok.

In the Advertising Branding & Marketing 101 book you’ll recall I wrote about Business and Brand Values.  This is an area I’ve working in as a coach and marketing specialist for many years now and finally in 2023 I launched a book specially focused on this topic.  If you’d like to find out more about Business and Branding Values and how they can help your marketing planning and developing your company culture then please CLICK  HERE for a sneak peek of That V Word. 

The Advertisng Branding & Marketing Recourses Folder is HERE

The many resources referred to in the AB&M101 book included forms like tracking your conversion rates (for retail sales) and ‘How did you hear about us’ forms that you can keep on your counter and ask people to check the appropriate box so you know where and how your customers are finding you.  Also templates for business prospecting letters and scripted followups.  To save you having to create your own, I’ve packaged these and many other resources you can use in folder.  Just enter your name and email address and you’ll get it FREE. 

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