Resolving Unfinished Chapters

Our life is made up of so many stories. We all have stories to share – and some of brilliant, mystical, dramatic, sad, happy, and weird.   There are the coincidences, the synchronicity, the unusual moments in time, the pregnant pauses in our journeys  and all of...

How long does it take to write a book

I’m often asked e question; how long does it take to write a book?  As a part time author, I’m not allowed the luxury of writing every day, and I have a busy life away from my keyboard so it’s a fair question. For most authors, writing a book can...

Inspiration to Write a Good Story

Ok I admit it – I’m insatiably curious about all kinds of things that are ooky and spooky, and a little bit weird.   But – I’m still a regular normal everyday kinda person who most people think when they meet me, that I’m far too...