Blogs on Authorship

Blogs on Business

The Dreams of a Writer at Launch Time

As we near the time for my book launch, I've been struck with technical challenges; my website crashed last week and it was mission to get it back up and running, only to find that it still wasn't quite right until today; then nerves - will my book sell, will it get...

Share the news…

I have a lovely and talented friend who is releasing her first novel tomorrow called Fraud and Fabrication (you can access details here) and it's reminded me all over again just how incredibly time consuming launching a book can be.   Most people assume the writing is...

New Year, New Scripts

New Year's Eve was spent with friends around a laden table, with much conversation, laughter, and love.   It was a happy time, and marked the end of an extraordinary year of transformation for me.  New Year, New Scripts was the topmost thought for me on New Year's...

Five Four Three Two One… Ready!

I'm now only days away from launching my latest novel and I'm so nervous, excited, busy, and tense about it all at the same time.  But I'm also focused on seeing how well I can test a few theories about social media, Amazon, Ranking systems, and a host of other...

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The Indie Experts Podcast

Blogs on Taboo Conversations

The Myth of Happy Ever After

'Once upon a time...' Sorry, I know that might have gottten you all excited with that opening story line, but here's the bad news... Happy Ever After Does not exist.  It's a falacy.  You live, you die and if you're lucky, you have a reasonably good life in the middle....

Making time for making time together

Imagine it’s Wednesday, and unexpectedly you have the day off.   It’s a week day, so you could probably justify all the reasons you should be catching up on errands, visiting a family member, lunch with a friend, or getting on top of that mess in the spare bedroom. ...